B. Ramakrishna (Bob) Rau is a senior research scientist at HP Labs,
where he holds the title of Hewlett-Packard Laboratories Scientist.
He is also the manager of HP Labs' Compiler and Architecture Research
(CAR) group.
On joining HP in 1989, Bob started HP Lab's research program in VLIW
and instruction-level parallel (ILP) processing. This resulted in
the development of the Explicitly Parallel Instruction Computing
(EPIC) style of architecture that is the basis for the IA-64. Bob's
current research interests lie in evolving and adapting the EPIC
architecture and compiler technologies, and the systolic array
technology, to enable the automatic architecting of custom,
application-specific, embedded processors.
Bob was a co-founder of Cydrome Inc. which developed and productized
one of the first VLIW mini-supercomputers, the Cydra 5. He has taught
at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, where he currently
is an Adjunct Professor. He has twelve patents, numerous research
publications in the area of VLIW computing, and has co-edited a book
on instruction-level parallelism. He received his B.Tech degree from
the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India, and his MS and
Ph.D. degrees from Stanford University.
Bob's primary contributions to Trimaran have been to create the
environment which enabled the research leading to the development of
EPIC, HPL-PD and Elcor, and in forging the research relationships
with the University of Illinois and New York University which have
resulted in Trimaran. He has made contributions to Elcor/Trimaran on
topics such as region-based compiling, dynamic single assignment
(DSA) and expanded virtual registers (EVRs), modulo scheduling,
rotating register allocation, and machine description databases
for machine description-driven compilation.