Rob Schreiber is a Project Scientist at Hewlett Packard
Laboratories. He received an A.B. in mathematics from Cornell (1972),
and a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Yale (1977). He is known for
important basic research in sequential and parallel algorithms for
matrix computation and in compiler optimization for data-parallel
languages. He is a contributor to the Matlab scientific computing
environment, and is a co-developer of the High Performance Fortran
programming language. He has written over eighty scientific papers.
He is on the editorial boards of three journals in the scientific and
supercomputing fields, and is area editor for scientific computing of
the Journal of the ACM.
Rob was previously a senior scientist at the Research Institute for
Advanced Computer Science, NASA Ames Research Center, where he
received the 1994 H. Julian Allen Award as co-author of the
outstanding research paper at Ames. He has held faculty positions at
Stanford and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, was the chief
scientist of Saxpy Computer Corporation, and has extensive consulting
experience in the high-performance computer industry.
Rob has worked in the Elcor and Trimaran areas on a SUIF-based front
end for exploiting loop-level parallelism, in order to enable the
synthesis of application-specific arrays of VLIW processors. Rob has
been the chief architect of an HP Labs prototype system in this area,
as well as the designer and implementor of many of the processor
scheduling and allocation algorithms employed by this system.