Scott Mahlke

Scott Mahlke is a research engineer in the Compiler and Architecture Research group at HP Laboratories. He joined HP Labs in 1995 after attending the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He received his Ph.D., M.S., and B.S. degrees from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Illinois. He is best known for his work on speculative and predicated execution to facilitate exploiting ILP in general-purpose programs. Scott's research interests include: EPIC architectures, predicated execution, compiler optimization and scheduling, and design of application-specific processors.

Scott was in a unique position within Trimaran as both a former member of the Impact group and a member of the CAR group to provide contributions in both the Impact and Elcor infrastructures. On the Impact side, he helped define and develop the machine independent, low-level representation, Lcode. He also led the development of the following Impact components: the machine independent classic optimizer, the superblock and hyperblock formation modules, the superblock/hyperblock ILP optimizer, and the HPL-PD code generator. On the Elcor side, he set up the bridge between the Impact and Elcor compilers to enable the two infrastructures to effectively inter-operate in a coherent system.

He also contributed to Elcor in the following areas: control flow analysis and transformations, if-conversion, run-time statistics collection, the REBEL textual representation, control critical path reduction (CPR), and data height reduction.